View Full Version : Rules of the Road, Regulations & Red Tape

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  1. Cruising and Self Defence
  2. Can I Import a 2 Stroke Motor to CA from Australia ?
  3. Quasi Semi Small Commercial Vessel Questions ...
  4. What Licence to Captain a Large Ship ?
  5. Cruising as a Canadian
  6. Sailing Licensing
  7. Drivers License for Green Cove Springs Resident
  8. Anchoring off a Public Beach
  9. Bridge Openings for Commercial Vessels
  10. Flags - How Big ?
  11. TSA and boat parts
  12. NOAA Now Has Assault Rifles and Raid Agents
  13. Philippines Permitted Length of Stay ?
  14. Marine SSB License ?
  15. FCC General Phone vs Restriced Radiotelephone Permit
  16. Courtesy Flag for San Blas ?
  17. Canadian Buying a Boat in US . . . How to Get Your Gear Down?
  18. Great Loop Radio Show to Cover Florida Anchoring Issues
  19. Clearing into the Turks and Caicos Nov 2011
  20. Clearing in from Tender While 'Mother Ship' Is Outside the Twelve-Mile Limit
  21. Certification Needed ?
  22. No Registration Papers for a Danish Yacht !?
  23. Documents Required to Deliver Boat to Bahamas
  24. Crew List Document
  25. Renewing a USCG Masters License ?
  26. Canadian . . . Registration vs License
  27. Taxes and Regulations . . .
  28. Registration Ideas
  29. Lagoon 440 Insurance . . . Cruising / Liveaboard ?
  30. Canadian Buying and Mooring a Boat in the US
  31. Registering a Boat with the CG
  32. South African Passport Holders
  33. Registration Options and VAT Implications
  34. About American Cruising Permits
  35. Is 'this' the Norm I Can Expect ?
  36. 26.5mm Flare Gun
  37. Those 'Other' Cruisers . . . and the Law of the Sea
  38. British, Buying in Florida
  39. Skipper's Qualifications
  40. Marine Diesel Regulations
  41. Need Clarification on a Canadian Mod
  42. Bringing Parts into Grenada
  43. Private Sale in Mexico - Reimporting Question
  44. Chartering-Out Your Boat without OUPV
  45. USDA Certified Veterinarian in Annapolis ?
  46. New US Air Cargo Restrictions
  47. Bahamas Entry Documents Requirements
  48. Firearm Aboard
  49. Complicated Nationality Questions
  50. How Do You Get . . .
  51. Taxes
  52. Papers, Visas and Such
  53. Is a Lifesling an Acceptable Substitute for a Ring Buoy ?
  54. Selling a Survey
  55. Where Is it Easiest to Register a Boat for an EU Citizen ?
  56. Licenses / Certificates Needed when Circumnavigating ?
  57. When to Start Blowing the Fog Horn
  58. Canadian VHF License for US
  59. Info Needed on US Cruising Permit
  60. Requirements for Chartering
  61. Red over Red - Not Under Command (NUC) Lights
  62. Is Flying Your Ensign a Requirement ?
  63. Heroes Wear Life Jackets
  64. Serving Alcohol Aboard a Charter Boat
  65. Paperwork / Clearing In
  66. Six Pack
  67. Hailing Port Question
  68. Flag of Convenience / Open Registry
  69. Documenting Vessel without Bill of Sale
  70. Clearing In / Out
  71. Boat Gear in Transit through France
  72. VHF Operation in Transit
  73. Part 1 Registration
  74. US Visa Blues
  75. Rego Red Tape Blues
  76. Rule of the Road iphone Apps
  77. Cruising Permit Required ?
  78. Anchor Rules and Regs ...
  79. Sailing the USA as a Brit!
  80. Dinghy and Outboard Titles
  81. Offshore purchase - When can I return?
  82. Help Me Choose a Hailing Port
  83. "Sanitizing" a previously-owned boat?
  84. U.S. Cruising Permits
  85. Boarded by USCG 60 Miles off Key West
  86. US 50/100 Ton Master and ICC
  87. Is an ICC Necessary for UK - Canaries - Jamaica?
  88. At What Point Must One Clear Customs ?
  89. Mandating Adult Life Jacket Wear
  90. Vinyl Lettering
  91. Puerto Rico Boat Registration & Taxes
  92. Free FCC Commercial/Marine License Practice Exams
  93. Portable FCC License
  94. New Jersey Safe Boating License
  95. Mandatory Boater Education in WA
  96. Permits in Costa Rica
  97. Air Travel, TSA and Fish Hooks . . .
  98. Captain's Database
  99. VAT Query
  100. Why Is it So Hard to Find Insurance for My Boat ?
  101. Clearing Customs & Immigration When Only at Anchor
  102. CG Documentation Expired - Options?
  103. Experiences Entering, Cruising and Departing Belize
  104. Morbid Curiosity - What to Do with a Human Cadaver ?
  105. Import Duty on a Yacht into the Philippines
  106. Are we all uninsured at sea?
  107. Getting a British Yacht Flagged in Norway.
  108. Selling SSR Boat in Italy
  109. BUI: It's anyone operating the vessel right?
  110. Decal?
  111. 90 Day Visa Rule in Europe
  112. Boarded by the FWC at Anchor.
  113. Liferaft Certification/ Inspection for Austalia
  114. US Coast Guard doc
  115. Living Aboard On the Hook in Hawaii?
  116. Don't Fudge With Your Insurance Policy
  117. Swedish Flag
  118. Renewing US Documentation While Cruising
  119. New EPA Regulations coming?
  120. What License? US Citizen Chartering in Med
  121. Kuwait Registered Boat: Circumnavigation
  122. Sailing in Europe Under a State Registration?
  123. Turned Away by Customs?
  124. License Renewal Finally!!
  125. Adding another name to boat ownership in MD
  126. Your local boat registration requirements?
  127. Canadian buying US boat
  128. Has anyone actually sailed with firearms
  129. Documented or State Registered ?
  130. Cruising the World with a State Registration ?
  131. Any Paperwork Needed?
  132. Phuket Arrivals
  133. Tipping Delivery Crew
  134. 8" Bell Required ?
  135. PI Boat Registration Requirements, Pitfalls & Penalties
  136. UK SSR-Registered Boat, Now in Spain
  137. Wrecks
  138. US Citizen Buying Boat in Macao
  139. problem with the UK registration
  140. Texas MSD Certification
  141. License to Own and Sail a Boat ?
  142. Importing Boat Parts
  143. Boat Part Customs in the Bahamas
  144. Boat Insurance
  145. Clearing Customs in Bahamas - Can Friends Come Aboard ?
  146. Buying a Sailboat as a non-US Citizen
  147. BB Gun in Foreign Ports
  148. Obtaining a US Coastguard Dissolution Document
  149. Is a Captain's License Needed to Carry Freight ?
  150. UK Citizen Buying Croatian Flagged, non VAT-Paid Boat
  151. Keep Canadian-Registered Vessel in US More than One Year ?
  152. Arrested ! What Do You Do ?!
  153. Canadian Vessels Voyaging Abroad
  154. Assumed Weight per Person
  155. Georgia and South Carolina
  156. Where Is a 'Title / Certification' Required ?
  157. What Good Is a NJ Title ?
  158. Private Flags and Your National Ensign
  159. US Clearance - Bahamas Clearance Issues
  160. Letter of Intent ?
  161. Sailboat Right of Way
  162. Registering a Boat in Spain
  163. Trials & Tribulations of Renewing My USCG License
  164. Right of Way in Narrow Marina Fairways
  165. Importing Custom Boat Into Florida
  166. Not a Gun Thread . . . I Swear
  167. New US Continental Shelf Check-in Reg
  168. Concealed Weapons on Board
  169. Not for Sale to US Citizen While in US Waters
  170. Where Is it Best to Document a Vessel ?
  171. Cat on Board
  172. Know Thy Enemy . . .
  173. Doing the Australian Boat Registration Shuffle - Is it Even Possible ?
  174. Awaiting a Captain's License
  175. Clearance Certificate for a French Flagged Boat
  176. Registration in US Virgin Islands
  177. Is FCC Registration Required in Bahamas for VHF Radio ?
  178. British Small Ships Register Change of Ownership for Aussie Citzen ?
  179. Operarting an Inspected Vessesl sans License
  180. Customs and Immigration at Marina Puerto del Rey ?
  181. Foreign Citizenship and USCG Vessel Documentation
  182. American with an EU-Registered Boat
  183. UK Part 1 Registered or SSR ?
  184. Out
  185. Mixed Crew ?
  186. House Sold, Cash in Hand, About to Buy . . . Now What ?
  187. Red Tape Puts Me off Cruising
  188. Check-In and Cruising Permit Fees
  189. Paperwork to NOT Leave on Board
  190. Leaving US . . . and Not on a Jet Plane
  191. Bringing My Boat to the US
  192. Pros and Cons of Registering in Panama ?
  193. Amateur Radio Operation in French Polynesia
  194. Paperwork for Parrots
  195. What Hailing Port ?
  196. FAA License for Marine Radio
  197. I Passed My VHF Exam . . .
  198. Governmental Inefficiency - USCG
  199. Law of the 'High Seas'
  200. COI Checklist
  201. The Trouble With Pirates - Video
  202. UK's e-Borders 'Perfect for Cuts,' says Sailing Today
  203. Small Passenger Boat
  204. CFR Question
  205. Captain Sign Off ? !
  206. Disposing of Flares . . . Maybe
  207. What if My Boat Has No . . .
  208. Registration of Foreign Yachts in Delaware
  209. Porta Potty or Bucket - Regulations ?
  210. Lifelines Required ?
  211. Leaving the USA
  212. 'No Cash, No Splash'
  213. Requirements for Storage of Gasoline on a Non-Gasoline-Powered Vessel
  214. Are Blinking Anchor Lights Legal ?
  215. Customs and Immigration - How Bad Can it Get ?
  216. Changing Registration Country Whilst in Greece
  217. No Criminal Record ?
  218. Boat Lemon Law
  219. Nav Lights on the Dink
  220. Aussie Flag or US Flag on Vessel ?
  221. Is Best Way to Call for Help Sexist ?
  222. Getting Visas for Foreign Delivery Captains
  223. Help - Buying VAT-Unpaid Yacht
  224. USCG Auxilliary Authority ?
  225. Buying UK-Registered Vessel
  226. Sailing from LA to the Carribbean as a British Citizen
  227. Captain's License Inland / Near Coastal
  228. Register Flag in Australia
  229. Boat Registration
  230. Documentation ?
  231. Yet Another VAT Query
  232. US Customs Wants to Keep My Boat Registry Papers
  233. EU VAT Paid on Non-EU Registered Yacht
  234. North to Alaska
  235. Horn Signals
  236. Cruisers Permit
  237. Merchant Mariner Career Track
  238. Day Shapes
  239. ID This Buoy: Fl R 2.5s 8ft "2"
  240. Building a Boat, Registration and Compliance ?
  241. Foreign-Flag Yacht to US Waters
  242. Waterfront Doctor / San Diego
  243. Certificate for Deletion of Vessel Documentation
  244. When Does a Motor Boat Become a Motorsailer ?
  245. Q Flag for 'Foreign' Yacht Clubs
  246. LBO Registration
  247. Clearing Customs
  248. From US, Buying Boat in Australia - Where to Register ?
  249. Vat on Non EU Vessels
  250. Canadian Boaters License